Blake Switalski CBS Realty

Blake Switalski


While managing an aircraft sales team, Blake graduated from MTSU in 2007 with a Masters Degree in business, with a 4.0GPA. Blake then performed executive roles in the corporate aviation world, before getting into Real Estate. Blake also spent 5 years as a marketing consultant as a side business during this time.

Blake has a passion for investing, and has assembled an impressive Real Estate, and stock portfolio. Blake’s clients find tremendous value in his strong business background. If you need any form of analysis, from P&L to predictive analytics-Blake will gladly help. Blake also has experience and a proven network of professionals to assist you with tax, legal, and investment strategies.

Chris Bratcher has been Blake’s mentor in Commercial Real Estate for the past 5 years. Blake says he couldn’t ask for a better mentor, and he feels extremely blessed to have Chris as his business partner with CBS Realty.